PJ on guitar also triggers the wavy synths and drops the (gentle) beats whilst Birsen complements their distinctive sound with ethereal vocals and moony lyrics. In 2014 they released their first EP: Court the Dark.

1. How did you get started?
Pj and I have been a couple for about 8 years, but we just started making music a few years ago. Pj has always been into music. Since he was a kid, he learned to play the trumpet, the piano, the bass guitar and played in a lot of bands. I, however, preferred reading books and learning languages. But then we discovered that I could sing, so we decided to write songs together, and here we are now.

2. What ingredients do you need to mix together to produce the recipe of your sound?
First of al, we need Pj’s dreamy soundscapes and dark beats. Mix it with my moony voice and lyrics. That’s Hydrogen Sea.

3. Did your first gig make you hungry for more?
Yes, very much so. It was my first performance ever, but the audience fell completely silent. We were so surprised and happy and excited that we managed to enchant them with only two songs. We couldn’t wait to do that again.

4. What’s the biggest ‘cock up’ to date?
Halfway through our gig, Pj’s computer crashed. We managed to play one acoustic song, but then we had to cut the concert short. Quite embarrassing!

5. What is it that inspires you to make your music/sound?
We’re fascinated by the cosmos, by the stars and the planets. We always try to take the listener along on a cosmic voyage through space with our music.

6. What would be the icing on the cake?
To be able to continue creating, together, and to be able to make a living out of it.

7. How will you be remembered? (what will make you vintage?)
We try to just be ourselves and make music, honestly, openly, unassumingly.

8. Describe your music as if it were a fine wine?
A delicate blend of darkness, gently touched by moonlight. Best to be consumed under a starry sky.

9. Digestive! If you weren’t doing what you are doing now, what would make you happy?
Pj always dreamed about being a forester, you know, that man in green clothes who lives in the woods and takes care of it. I would be perfectly happy if I had a little bookshop, where I could read all day long.

10. AfterMint! Does your musical style influence your underwear?
no response…

More info www.hydrogensea.com

Photo credit ©Jokko Bulckens